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Twitter is down

Yes, Twitter is also down in Nigeria. But it's not because the Federal Government of Nigeria shut down the internet due to the viral #endSARS protest.
2 minute read
Twitter is down

Yes, Twitter is also down in Nigeria. But it’s not because the Federal Government of Nigeria shut down the internet due to the viral #endSARS protest.

On Thursday, October 15, 2020 at about 10:32 PM (WAT), Twitter started experiencing issues with its API. It only acknowledged the issue 24 minutes later, 10:56 PM (WAT), according to its API status page. The first message on Twitter’s API status page read: “Investigating – We are currently investigating this issue. More updates to come”.

A follow-up message which was posted by 11:31 PM (WAT) reads: “Update – We are continuing to monitor as our teams investigate. More updates to come.” At about 12:02 AM (WAT) on Friday, the tweeting service seemed to have been restored, but no word from Twitter yet.

First observation of Twitter’s outage

My first observation of Twitter’s most recent outage was from a tweet thread by app researcher and tech blogger, Jane M. Wong, @wongmjane.

This is a developing story

Raw Resources

By 01:11 AM (WAT), Twitter posted an update on their API status page saying that “things appear to have returned to normal.”