Seven places to learn AI online in 2023

Here are some of the best online courses if you want to learn AI in 2023.
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Seven places to learn AI online in 2023
Photo: Tech talent learning Artificial Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the growing fields in technology because it is bound to transform the world. With the possibilities ChatGPT brought, it’s mind-blowing what innovation AI will bring in the future.

It is already an important face of many of our current applications. And its importance will only grow from here. According to Forbes, AI is expected to see an annual growth rate of 37.3% from 2023 to 2030. Hence, learning AI technology will position your career for the future of work.

Artificial Intelligence is the field concerned with making machines learn from experience and adapt to new observations, just like a human would. It uses computer systems to perform tasks such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

The use cases of AI will cut across all industries. The innovative technology will affect most industries, from health (medical diagnosis), finance (fraud detection), eCommerce (demand forecasting), manufacturing (quality control) and transportation (route optimization).

There are many courses to learn Artificial Intelligence on the internet, but due to its novelty, most of them are technical, even for programmers with years of experience.

Fortunately, many online courses have sprung up, covering everything from the basics to advanced implementation. Here are some of the best online courses if you want to learn AI in 2023.

Elements of AI (University of Helsinki)

This is a completely free option offered through the University of Helsinki. It includes two parts: Introduction to AI and Building AI. In the introduction, you’ll learn what AI is and what it can do. And in the second course, you’ll learn how to build AI algorithms.

This is a beginner-friendly course for those just getting started. However, some basic Python programming knowledge benefits the Building AI portion.

The course includes modules on machine learning, neural networks, the philosophy and ethics of artificial intelligence, and using artificial intelligence to solve problems.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence by IBM

IBM created this course. The course explores use cases for AI and its concepts. While you can complete this course separately, it’s also a part of in-depth programs, such as the Applied AI Professional Certification program.

This course was made for those without technical experience. You’ll also complete a mini-project to showcase your newfound AI skills.

Artificial Intelligence for Business

This is a course by Kirill Eremenko and his team on how to solve real-world business problems with AI. If you are a curious business person who wants to learn how AI can help your business, you should enrol for this course.

The complex topic of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is presented best without getting too technical. Talking about social proof, more than 14,000 students trust this course, and it has, on average, a 4.3 rating.

Learn with Google AI

This newly launched resource is part of Google’s plan to broaden the understanding of AI among the public. More content is slowly being added but already contains a Machine Learning with TensorFlow (Google’s machine learning library) crash course.

The course hits the ground running with a basic introduction to machine learning. Then it dived deep into TensorFlow, designing and training neural nets.

It is designed so that those with no prior knowledge of machine learning can jump in right at the start, those with some experience can pick or choose modules which interest them, and machine learning experts can use it as an introduction to TensorFlow.

Stanford University – Machine Learning

This course is offered through Coursera and is taught by Andrew Ng, the founder of Google’s deep learning research unit, Google Brain, and head of AI for Baidu.

The course covers the spectrum of real-world machine learning implementations, from speech recognition and enhancing web search. It also went into technical depth with statistics topics such as linear regression, the backpropagation methods through neural networks “learn,” and a Matlab tutorial.

The entire course can be studied for free. However, there is also the option of paying for certification, which could be useful if you use your understanding of AI to increase your career prospects.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Harvard University)

If you have experience working with Python and are willing to head straight into AI programming, you’ll love this course. The course teaches theoretical frameworks while providing practical experience to apply the techniques in your work.

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to use machine learning and your own intelligent systems based on the AI principles taught in the course.

Digital Skills: Artificial Intelligence (Accenture)

The course aims to equip you with a broad understanding of AI. It discusses artificial intelligence’s past, present and future, as well as interesting facts, trends and insights about using it.

The course is divided into three sessions: Introduction to artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence in Industry, and adapting your skills to work with artificial intelligence.

The course explores the working relationship between humans and AI and the predicted skills needed to interact with AI technology. With this understanding, you will be able to hone your own skills and even adapt your career.