Apple has been on an improvement streak in their operating systems.
Last month, Twitter was in a frenzy over Apple’s new update — the iOS 14. The update is available to iPhones 6S upward. Apple announced that iOS 14 will be officially released sometime during the autumn season. With it would arrive new and enhanced features.
1. New Widget Design
Widgets, generally, aren’t a new feature in smartphones. But on iOS phones, the update comes with a home screen that includes support for widgets. You can now move widgets from place to place, and change their size.
With the new iOS 14, your phone can bring to view the widget you might need; based on time, location, and activity. It achieves this using its smart stack feature. Alongside this, there’s a gallery where you can search and pick your preferred widgets.
2. App Library
As someone obsessed with visual organization, I can say that this is a life buoy. With this, your apps can be arranged and customised based on function. You don’t have to endlessly swipe or take out time to sort them out into folders anymore.
3. Compact Calls
Yes, it’s finally here. Incoming calls no longer interrupt your screen activity. The update makes them behave with propriety, and you receive a banner instead.
4. Picture-in-Picture
When you’re on a video call and you leave the app, your video is paused and you can’t see anything. That changes with this update. You can clearly see and be seen, even when the app is running in the background.
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5. Messages
A number of changes have been made with Messages. You’re can now reply individual texts in a group chat and even create a reply thread. In addition to that, there is a pinning feature that lets you pin up to nine conversations.
6. Guides on Maps
Guides is the new add-on to Maps. If you’re torn on where to explore, Guides gives you a host of places to pick from, so you’re never out of options.
7. Translate App
Conversing with a foreign language will be more fluid than ever. The Translate app grants you access to better conversations, even when you don’t speak a language. At the moment, it spans across 11 languages, and all you have to do is speak, and watch the chat flow.
There’s a wealth of other improvements coming with this update; ranging from notification design, to how Siri functions — even across default apps and widgets. The camera, as expected, is improved, with the Face ID function. Even the Memojis got an upgrade.
The myriad of enhancements to iOS makes your experience as the user faster, easy-going, and more blended to your taste.