LASRIC and Ventures Platform to back seven successful startups from #COVID19InnovationChallenge

LASRIC and Ventures Platform to fund and support seven successful startups from the #COVID19InnovationChallenge.
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LASRIC and Ventures Platform to back seven successful startups from #COVID19InnovationChallenge

LASRIC and Ventures Platform to fund and support seven successful startups from the #COVID19InnovationChallenge.

Three days ago, we announced Ventures Platform and Lagos State Science and Research and Innovation Council (LASRIC) partnership to find solutions to the spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria. To do this, they launched an innovation challenge called #COVID19InnovationChallenge, where startups and companies working to keep Lagosians healthy and protected in these COVID times, could pitch.

The seven startups were chosen from over 500 applications received in six days. Ventures Platform, and its judging panel that comprised members of the VP team, representatives of the Nigerian Center for medical practitioners, selected the top 33 projects and startups to move to the next stage. Due to the urgency of the COVID-19 pandemic, the top 33 were emailed to submit a video pitch and 15 projects were selected to pitch virtually to a panel of seasoned judges rather than in-person pitch.

The final seven are:

Wale AdeosunWellvis Health offers solutions that promote primary care; by improving the health of the public through continuous access to personalized health information. Notable, is the fact that CcHUB is also backing this startup as one of their COVID-19 projects supported by the same LASRIC.

Joel OgunsolaPrunedge a technology company that develops innovative solutions to improve the efficiency of processes, the livelihood of people and aid decision making within organisations.

Nestor Inimgba – Infodemics uses existing social hierarchies in a community to efficiently and effectively communicate health risks.

Ikpeme NetoWellahealth a digital triage bot that provides guidance based on Nigeria Centre for Disease Control guidelines and logs responses for follow up by public health as needed.

Mayowa AyodejiMyServiceAgent an AI-powered intelligent IVR system that can communicate with 100s to 1000s of callers simultaneously and intelligently and disseminate correct information from the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control as well as pass on the data to the NCDC to act on swiftly.

Okorie Tochukwu – Innover Technologies is committed to using technology to solve problems. Their solution for the project is named COVID-19 Nigeria.

Abiri Oluwatosin Niyi – CmapIT Analytics a GIS and Data Visualization software that helps to analyze geospatial data and its variables and also visualize it; data variables concerning the coronavirus outbreak and how it can be tracked & visualized so that predictions are accurate.

Those selected will receive a $2,000 equity-free grant and opportunity for further funding, as well as access to virtual workspace and mentorship from some of Africa’s top healthcare, business and technology leaders to help scale their company.

Ventures Platform opened applications for their #COVID19InnovationChallenge to find, support, fund and grow products and services that could potentially help millions of Africans through this pandemic. The selected startups will go through a bootcamp, receive support from mentors and finally publicly launch their solutions.


The 5-day Bootcamp is intended to help the selected founders and startups work with selected stakeholders to finalize solutions and launch. NCDC will give selected startups an accurate understanding of the real-time situation and will work with the startups to ensure they make the most impact possible.


Teams of experts and mentors have been carefully vetted and selected to provide top-notch help to our 7 selected startups. These mentors are from some of Africa’s top, healthcare, business, and technology leaders, including; Yewande Sadiku, Celestine Omin, Iyin Aboyeji, Rebecca Enonchong, Alexis Roman, O.O Nwoye, Seun Onigbinde, Titi Akinsanmi, Dr. Ola Brown,  Dr. Ifeanyi Nsofor, Dr. Ebi Ofrey, and Dr. Femi Kuti. Each startup will have access to 3 mentors – medical expertise, scaling and launch, and technical expertise.


The startups present their solutions to the public. With the support of media partners such as IrokoTV and Facebook and top-notch PR consultants, we aim to reach a wide audience.