SME Growth Lab partners Shecluded to empower African female entrepreneurs

To commemorate the 2023 International Women’s Day, SME Growth Lab Africa and Shecluded have entered a strategic partnership that will enable female entrepreneurs across Africa to participate in SME Growth Lab’s first women-only cohort of its Digital Accelerator Program.
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SME Growth Lab partners Shecluded to empower African female entrepreneurs
Photo: ₦1 Million shared grant for five female entrepreneurs in Africa

Through this partnership with Shecluded, SME Growth Lab Africa aims to create a women-only cohort for its accelerator program, reaching hundreds of female entrepreneurs across Africa and providing them with the necessary training and support to overcome business challenges, grow their ventures, and drive economic growth.

During the program, a shared grant of ₦1 million will be given to the top five female entrepreneurs participating in the digital accelerator program sponsored by Shecluded.  The accelerator program modules cut across Selling Techniques, Marketing Strategies, Financial Literacy and Management, and Legal Counseling. It is designed to support SMEs by providing them with the resources, training, and mentorship they need to build sustainable businesses.

Speaking about the partnership, SME Growth Lab Africa’s Program Director, May-May Ogoigbe, said “We are excited about this partnership with Shecluded. It would be the first of many cohorts to focus on female entrepreneurs in Africa. By focusing on supporting women-owned businesses, we are contributing to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly the goal of reducing inequality, promoting gender equality, and providing decent work and economic growth.”

Shecluded Growth Manager, Belinda Nkechi Idinmachi believes the partnership will provide female-owned businesses with the knowledge, skills, and tools to scale their businesses, create wealth, and make an impact in their world.

“At Shecluded, we believe that empowering women to grow their businesses is not just about financial gains; it is about creating a positive ripple effect that can transform communities and change the world. By supporting women-owned businesses, we are investing in their vision, creativity, and leadership potential. That’s why we are excited to announce that Shecluded will be providing a share of N 1,000,000 in grants to the top 5 women in the Digital Accelerator Program towards their business growth,” she added.

Successful applicants will have a remarkable experience participating in a four-week intensive training led by expert facilitators in May 2023.

Applications are currently open until April 23, 2023.

₦1 Million grant for female entrepreneurs in Africa